BRETT SPACE attaches great importance to customers' shopping experience, so before you make a purchase, we hope you read our Shipping policy to ensure that you have the information you need.

Shipping Coverage

Currently, we support shipping to limited international destinations, The following are the countries we currently support. If your country is not among them, please rest assured that we will continue to expand the scope of assistance soon.

South Korea, North Korea, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, Myanmar, Indonesia, Cambodia, India, Mongolia, Australia, United States (US), Canada, Mexico, Belgium, United Kingdom (UK), France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Norway, Slovenia, Croatia, Sweden, Slovakia, Romania, Portugal, Poland, Ireland, Hungry, Greece, Finland, Denmark, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, United Arab Emirates, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Suriname, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, Togo, Congo(Kinshasa), Ghana, Cameroon, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda

Delivery Times

- We will do our best to deliver the goods you ordered to your designated place as soon as possible
- Delays due to unforeseen circumstances like weather, natural disasters, or customs issues may occur.

Receipt of Goods

- All packages require a signature upon delivery. Please check the package for any damage before accepting.

Misdelivery or non-delivery

-If your order was mis-delivered or not delivered, please contact us within 20 days after shipment to confirm the order status

Return and Refund Policy

- For details, refer to our returns policy. Returns must be initiated within 7 days of receipt

Order Confirmation

-You can check the order status at any time through this website by clicking the orders button in your dashboard.

-After you place an order, we will send you emails in four statuses: Info Received, In Transit, Out Of Delivery, and Delivered to let you know the status of your order.